reference pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Hi...

  2. 2. She explicitly mentioned in her bio not to reference the terrorist group, so I'm at a loss. Assistance would be mad appreciated my dudes.

  3. 3. SuicideDroid use pickup line! But it had no affect on Sylvia! ->Fight PkMn Item Run PS- Thanks in advance lol hope yall enjoyed the pkm reference

  4. 4. The suits made out of gold titanium alloy, the iron is referring to something else.

  5. 5. Was your daddy an unclear antecedent? Because I only hope I know what you're referring to.

  6. 6. ‘Cause I wanna use and abuse you (Just for future reference, no I do not support abuse - it is humanly and morally wrong)

  7. 7. I don't need a ruler; I've got a 12-inch reference.

  8. 8. Let's sneak off to the reference section and make little citations.

  9. 9. Cuz with one blow, you can kill at least 200,000 people (People refers to sperm)

  10. 10. Hi, my name is Moe. Or as the ladies like to refer to me , “Hey you in the bushes”

  11. 11. With a body like yours, you've got to refer me to your plastic surgeon.

  12. 12. With a curves like yours, you've got to refer me to your plastic surgeon.

  13. 13. A night with me is so life-changing, you'll refer to it as the Revolutionary War.

  14. 14. Hey, think I can get your reference number?

  15. 15. Cause you're my "Za Warudo". >(Jojo reference if anyone didn't get it)

  16. 16. Because you look like an angel (Star wars phantom menace reference)

  17. 17. (R6 Reference alert) Are you Air Jab? Cuz I fell for you.. XD

  18. 18. I consider myself to be fisher of women. This would be referred to as "casting my net."

  19. 19. Thusly tea-quipped, you may begin referring to yourself as Barney Steep-son.

  20. 20. Does your college of choice need a reference letter about how beautiful you are? Because if they do I can write that letter.

  21. 21. My reference desk or yours?

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