skin pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Because I by you with vbucI’m staying past my bedtime currently

  2. 2. Cause I want to peel off your skin

  3. 3. Beauty is only skin deep precious; Hodor's cock goes much deeper.

  4. 4. You're the skin on fried chicken that fills this black void that is my soul.

  5. 5. Nice skin, but it'd look better on my floor.

  6. 6. Can I skin you alive. I want to see your inner beauty.

  7. 7. Ayy gurl you wanna rub Aloe-Vera on my burnt peeling skin?

  8. 8. I hear cranberries are really good for your skin.

  9. 9. Is the intense heat melting the skin from my body the result of nuclear fission...or is it just you.

  10. 10. When I saw you in that leopard skin bikini I went from Homo Sapien to Homo Erectus.

  11. 11. You have beautiful skin...Can I wear it?

  12. 12. You have 1.5 square meters of skin and you’re only showing 10% of it.

  13. 13. I find that the skin on the heritage turkeys is so much smoother.

  14. 14. Your skin won't be pale after a night with me.

  15. 15. I like your skin.

  16. 16. You must be a microchip because you've gotten under my skin.

  17. 17. Your blue skin brings out the color of your eyes.

  18. 18. Cause you’re boiling hot.

  19. 19. It's recommended that I protect your exposed skin.

  20. 20. Want to see how I shed my snake's skin?

  21. 21. Because I want to peel your skin off and eat you piece by piece

  22. 22. Cuz I’d peel your skin off

  23. 23. Because I wanna peel off your skin and eat you.

  24. 24. Cause I wanna eat your skin.

  25. 25. Cause I wanna peel your skin and eat you

  26. 26. How do you get in those pants?

  27. 27. Cuz you’re cuticle

  28. 28. Hey let's get you out of that armor and see what skin you're wearing.

  29. 29. How do you get into them?

  30. 30. Because your skin is beautiful, and I really wanna set you on fire

  31. 31. Cuz i wanna show you my skin

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