gothic pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Black is cool, do you have any acid, sweetheart?

  2. 2. See that man in the corner? Vampire slayer. Cmon lets get out of here!

  3. 3. I'm dead inside, but you make something in my pants alive.

  4. 4. You’re depressed, TOO?!

  5. 5. Didn’t I go to your funeral?

  6. 6. If you were a drug, I would overdose!

  7. 7. Can I feed you blood?

  8. 8. You're so goth I'm gonna use pre-Germanic, tribal, sexual positions on you.

  9. 9. Wanna go for a ride in my porsche? It’s black...

  10. 10. You're the girl of my nightmares.

  11. 11. If I said you had a pale body would you hold it against me?

  12. 12. Pardon me, but my corset has come unlaced. Could you tighten it for me?

  13. 13. Tell me, is your heart as cold and black as your eyes?

  14. 14. Are you here alone or am I gonna have to kill someone to win your affection.

  15. 15. Can our first date be in the cemetery? I'm dying to meet you there.

  16. 16. You couldn't be any hotter if you were dead.

  17. 17. Hey there, sweet-fang!

  18. 18. Go out with me or I’ll kill us both!

  19. 19. Are you a vampire? Because I've got something I'ld like you to suck.

  20. 20. That’s a nice black lace Victorian-era corset. But it would look nicer crumpled up in a ball on my bedroom floor!

  21. 21. Are you a boy or a girl... or does it not matter?

  22. 22. Can I skin you alive. I want to see your inner beauty.

  23. 23. I lost my black lipstick, can I borrow yours?

  24. 24. May I dig my nails into your back?

  25. 25. Don't worry, none of this blood is mine.

  26. 26. Is that blood, or wine that your having?

  27. 27. Wanna take a walk through the cemetery?

  28. 28. Would you please come home with me and tie me up...

  29. 29. Is that blood or wine your having cause I was gonna get you another.

  30. 30. Up for a little dominance and humiliation?

  31. 31. You look good with skeletons.

  32. 32. Are you a professional dominatrix?

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