energy pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Don't I know you from that green energy company that went bankrupt?

  2. 2. I would ask u to dance but it uses too much energy!

  3. 3. Because you’re making my heart race

  4. 4. Because you fill me with positive energy.

  5. 5. Cause this potential energy is about to be kinetic 🤓

  6. 6. Hey babe, are you up for some high energy quantum tunnelling tonight?

  7. 7. Your renewable energy turns me on and keeps me going all night, how how’s that for efficiency?

  8. 8. Let’s convert our potential energy dear into kinetic energy.

  9. 9. My love for you is like a concave up function because it is always increasing. Let’s convert our potential energy to kinetic energy.

  10. 10. I'm like a solar panel absorbing your radiant sunshine energy.

  11. 11. Are you an energy-based life form? Because you make me tingly.

  12. 12. Love is a renewable energy.

  13. 13. If I was an electron, I would be in a higher energy level. Because you got me excited.

  14. 14. Hey, up for some high-energy quantum tunneling tonight sweetheart?

  15. 15. Her eyes are bright as halogen lamps, energy-saving light of my life?

  16. 16. Then why do you turn me on for no reason.

  17. 17. I like my women like I like my energy. Dirty.

  18. 18. Hey, up for some high-energy quantum tunnelling tonight? 

  19. 19. I am gonna put life stream energy into your mako reactor.

  20. 20. Cause I wanna bang 🤪

  21. 21. I give them for 30$ Dm me if you're interested.

  22. 22. Hey guys I have this amazing program that has many levels I'm giving it for good price pm if you're interested .

  23. 23. Yo, Veggie, why don't you put all that energy to good use?

  24. 24. Does the house come with mitochondria? Because my power house is producing a lot of energy.

  25. 25. Are you as efficient with your hands as you are with your energy?

  26. 26. Don't worry, my energy levels never get low.

  27. 27. I bet we could maximize on that kinetic energy.

  28. 28. I bet your dual source of energy means you're up for a good time.

  29. 29. I can feel my energy security rising when I am with you.

  30. 30. I save so much energy with this car, I can put the leftover to good use.

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