laundromat pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Is your tank top felt? [No] Would you like it to be?

  2. 2. Me without you is like a washer without dryer.

  3. 3. Are you a bad load of laundry? You make my pants feel two sizes too small.

  4. 4. Can I help you fold those sheets?

  5. 5. Can you help me? How much detergent do I need to put in with these clothes?

  6. 6. Can you tell me how much bleach to put in with my good suit?

  7. 7. Does this thong smell clean to you?

  8. 8. Excuse me, does this rag smell like chloroform to you?

  9. 9. Here, let me help you put your clothes in the dryer.

  10. 10. Hi, I think you are new here, and I wanna be the first male to bother you.

  11. 11. I could really use a good fluffing.

  12. 12. I know a great way to get the wrinkles out of those sheets.

  13. 13. I'll bet that you're naked under or on top all those clothes

  14. 14. I'm too flexy for my shirt… too flexy for my shirt… too flexy…

  15. 15. I’m wrinkle-free, pre-shrunk and low-sudsing.

  16. 16. Let's make like a laundry cycle. I'll be Dirty, you'll get wet, we'll spin around, tumble dry, and snuggle

  17. 17. Let’s front-load.

  18. 18. Looking for someone to clean your lint catcher?

  19. 19. Looking for your Rinse Charming?

  20. 20. Me without you is like a wahser without dryer.

  21. 21. My mother has that same bra!

  22. 22. Operating on permanent press tonight?

  23. 23. Pick a number between 1 and 10. (Guess) Sorry you lost, you'll have to take off all your clothes.

  24. 24. So many dryers, so little time.

  25. 25. Someday my rinse will come

  26. 26. Sorry, but you owe me a quarter. ["Why?"] Because when I looked at you, I dropped clean laundry.

  27. 27. Spin here often?

  28. 28. That's a lot of laundry. Does this mean you're not wearing any underwear?

  29. 29. That's a nice shirt. can I talk you out of it?

  30. 30. That's a stain on my bra top, isn't obvious? (pointing to the breast)

  31. 31. The water’s not the only thing here that’s hard.

  32. 32. Tide waits for no man.

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