skyrim pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. I want to infiltrate your thalmor castle with my Altmer, with light armor of course.

  2. 2. Are you an Elder Scroll? Because looking at you drives me crazy!

  3. 3. Are you the Dragonborn? Because I could definitely see you sucking out my dragons soul.

  4. 4. When we're done, you'll be calling me to the Tenth Divide.

  5. 5. Don't worry about me keeping up with you babe. I have extra Stamina potions.

  6. 6. Aye gurl. You are more beautiful than a full set of Daedric armor.

  7. 7. I haven’t been trained in magic, but I sure know how to handle a staff.

  8. 8. You look like you can handle those clunky two-handed weapons...

  9. 9. Baby, you must be an arcane fire mage because things heated up when you came in the room.

  10. 10. I might have to cast Invisibility to hide the Daedric hard on you give me.

  11. 11. You have to be made of Skooma, cause I just got hooked on you.

  12. 12. I hope you like giants, because I have one in my pants.

  13. 13. You must have take a potion of ultimate stamina, cause you've been running through my mind all day.

  14. 14. I'll shoot my bloodcursed arrow where the sun DON'T shine.

  15. 15. You must be a master swordsman, because damn, you're striking.

  16. 16. Have you been sitting on a grindstone because your ass is superior.

  17. 17. If my pickpocket skill were better, I'd steal your heart.

  18. 18. You belong in Whiterun, because you've stolen my heart.

  19. 19. Are you a member of the Thieves Guild, because you stole my heart.

  20. 20. I don't wear no daedric armour, because the only heart I want is yours.

  21. 21. Normally the punishment for theft is brutal execution by guards, but I'll let it go if you give me my heart back.

  22. 22. Thieve's Guild Cis-turn around and show me what you got.

  23. 23. Are you in the Thieves guild? cuz I think you just stole my heart.

  24. 24. Are you dragon born? Because you have captured my soul.

  25. 25. Hey! You are one of the new companions. I know because you are making me howl.

  26. 26. Are you wearing an Amulet of Talos? Because baby, you're reducing my time between shouts by 20%!

  27. 27. aby, did you just say Fus Ro Dah? Because you blew me away.

  28. 28. I may be looking like a nord, but I’m a red guard in my pants and a khajiit in the bed.

  29. 29. I feel like an ice wraith. You're making me melt.

  30. 30. You must be a master of alteration, because you got me paralyzed.

  31. 31. You must be a Jarl cause I'll do anything to be your thane.

  32. 32. Go fiddling with any cocks around here, and we're going to have a real BIG party.

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