deal pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. You might not have got the deal you wanted, but you can have my number for free.

  2. 2. Let's make a deal dearie you show me the beast you think you are & I'll get down on my knees and show you the beauty in it.

  3. 3. Were I to impregnate you, in several years the child will purchase you flowers and chocolates. Deal?

  4. 4. Got such a great deal on this external hard drive. How big is it? About 8 inches fully erect.

  5. 5. If you were a demon I'd sell my soul just to seal a deal with you.

  6. 6. No, I'm serious. I mean, talk about 'hot deals'...

  7. 7. Were you born that beautiful or did you make a deal with a Crossroad demon?

  8. 8. Hey young lady, you can call me the Last Whisperer, since I’m here for a great deal of Physical Penetration.

  9. 9. I’m only one bad business deal away from being Charlie Sheen.

  10. 10. Meeting you is better than any of the deals I’ve seen on Black Friday!

  11. 11. What's the best Black Friday deal? Your clothes, 100% off.

  12. 12. Hey, I've got a great deal. My pants are half-off.

  13. 13. You're the only deal I need.

  14. 14. Because my six inch just turned into a footlong

  15. 15. Coz you're gonna have to deal with a big black problem.

  16. 16. Place your hands on her butt and say “So happy my girlfriend is a package deal with hand warmers”. Free way to touch her butt and usually leads to more touching!

  17. 17. I ain't about KDR girl, the real deal is CDR, cum dick ratio.

  18. 18. I'd KILL for you to go to prom with me. I think you would really DIG it. You could really SET me up if you said yes. I'm hoping thid volleyball will ACE the deal. PROM?

  19. 19. I can get a great deal on a fancy hotel room if I bring you with me.

  20. 20. What do you say we go behind this rock and seal the deal.

  21. 21. Hey baby, are you a marine biologist? Because I'd like to hist the club and seal the deal with you.

  22. 22. Feel free to pee in the pool, I'll deal with it later. (Gym Teacher)

  23. 23. I don't know how to put this, but I'm kind of a big deal.

  24. 24. You look very fair, ambitious and binding tonight. We should make a deal.

  25. 25. Baby, you are like a Black Friday deal... worth the wait.

  26. 26. Meeting you is like getting the best deal without waiting in the Black Friday lines.

  27. 27. Want to go shopping? Today only there's a special deal: 30% off on my heart!

  28. 28. No more Mr. Rice guy, I am going for raw end of the deal.

  29. 29. Now that DOMA's repealed. Let's make a deal. Do you want to get Maryed? Oh by the way, my name's Mary.

  30. 30. I just want something quick to fill a gap, let's hook up on a one-year deal and then look at our option years later

  31. 31. It's a big deal. There's an awards banquet and a dance afterward. Perhaps you'd like to come with me? I know the other fellas would be really excited to see a girl there.

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