fair pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Hello, cowboy! How about kicking up you heels with me, at the outdoor concert?

  2. 2. Hello..Would you like to be in the sword-swollowing act?

  3. 3. Hey look, fireworks! (makes firework sounds and makes explosion motion with hands, putting arm around girl)

  4. 4. Hey sugar pie, I would love to buy you a fennel cake.

  5. 5. Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but here is my number. [Theme Park of your choice], maybe?

  6. 6. Hey, you wanna ride the big slide?

  7. 7. Hi. Would you like to try the "Whack-a-Mole"?

  8. 8. How about trying the thrill ride in my pants?

  9. 9. I couldn't help but notice you lost your bikini top on that waterslide, give me your number and I'll let you have it back.

  10. 10. I dare you to go on that roller coaster with me!

  11. 11. I don’t want to brag, cutie, but my line of bull is way longer than his!

  12. 12. I'm fairly local...in your bed.

  13. 13. I shall electrify you with my good looks and charm, fair lady.

  14. 14. Hey there, I bought you some fair trade, organic, vegan chocolate.

  15. 15. I like my coffee like I like my women: ethical, fair trade, and organic.

  16. 16. You are as fair as Aphrodite and as talented as Athena.

  17. 17. Mirra who? Mirra mirra on the wall, you're the fairest of them all.

  18. 18. I thought you were a Pharisee, but you're actually fair, I see.

  19. 19. Oh fair maiden with lips of fire, blesseth thee with thy bosoms.

  20. 20. Are you looking for the fairway? Because coming back to my hotel is the only fair way for this evening to go.

  21. 21. Wanna go back to my place for a little "fair trade?"

  22. 22. Wanna listen to me drone endlessly about art, bicycles, and single-origin sustainable-source fair-trade coffee?

  23. 23. You're sweeter than the agave syrup in my organic fair trade mint tea.

  24. 24. You are so fine. i wanna floss with your pubic hair..

  25. 25. Since I love you, it is only fair that I will give you my love.

  26. 26. Said this to my girlfriend on Saturday night, she said "Well you could in our sieve, because it's crap." In fairness, we do need a new sieve.

  27. 27. I would say it is a fair trade since you are trying to steal my heart.

  28. 28. Good morrow Fair maiden, for I have cometh to inform thee that I desire thine choochie, as I'm a horny cunt who wishes nothing more than to suckle from the flesh of thine bosom.

  29. 29. Let's go out, or I'll eat a chair

  30. 30. Hey baby, I want to ride you like a roller coaster. Just try not to puke.

  31. 31. Hey baby!!! Let's see if you can knock me in the water..it's harder than the pudding wrestling.

  32. 32. I can't swim! Can I hold on to your floaties?

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