marijuana pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Hey girl you look beat up. Wanna cuddle?

  2. 2. I'm a certified drug dealer.

  3. 3. You must be as dope as weed, cause right now, you’re all I need.

  4. 4. Are you a drug? Cause I marijuana take you home tonight.

  5. 5. What kind of grinder are you using? Cause you’re extra fine!

  6. 6. Your eyes are as green as the weed I’m smoking.

  7. 7. I’ll let you hit this, if I can tap that!

  8. 8. Are you a joint? Because you’re smokin’!

  9. 9. I wish you were a joint, I'd roll you over & lick you up and down!

  10. 10. Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy. But I got this joint, let's smoke this baby.

  11. 11. Cus weed be cute together 🥺

  12. 12. When I’m with you, it feels like there’s no one else in the room with us. Wait, is there anyone else in the room right now?

  13. 13. Hey baby, let's make like a blunt and roll.

  14. 14. I don’t even need a lighter, you’re already on fire!

  15. 15. Hey girl, are you a drug? Cause I marijuana take you out tonight.

  16. 16. Cause I think WEED be good together.

  17. 17. You wanna come over to my place and suck my bong?

  18. 18. Excuse me ma'am are you a joint? Because you're smoking!

  19. 19. Hey baby! You're smoking!

  20. 20. Hey ya wanna get high?

  21. 21. Hey! Let's make like a blunt and roll.

  22. 22. How about I teach you how to double blow a pipe?

  23. 23. I am so hammered I want to nail you to the wall.

  24. 24. I don't even need a lighter... you are already on fire!

  25. 25. I have a huge kush on you

  26. 26. I look at you and it’s like ‘I’ve never quite heard it put that way before.’ But, like, just looking at you. You know?!

  27. 27. I saw from across the room and thought... I bet she needs a taco, too.

  28. 28. I think I can hear your heart beating. (Pause) Okay, that’s definitely my heart, but still.

  29. 29. I want to T-H-See you naked

  30. 30. I will let u hit this if I can tap that

  31. 31. I've got 2 boarding passes, lets catch a flight and see where we land.

  32. 32. I've got an 18-inch piece. Want to see?

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