gotta pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Hey you gotta band aid? Cause I scraped my knee fallin for ya. (This is cringe but I’m bored)

  2. 2. Cause DAMN you gotta thicc ass

  3. 3. You be my princess Jasmin ill be the magic carpet n all you gotta do is ride me.

  4. 4. Because I gotta dump a load into you

  5. 5. Apple Music or Spotify Did you see the glitch earlier? You weren’t listed as the top hottest single

  6. 6. Girl I just gotta get you. Call it animal instinct.

  7. 7. She : no? You : exactly, so why you gotta put makeup on your face?

  8. 8. If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my fence.

  9. 9. Do you have a card in the Dewey decimal system? Because I gotta write down your number.

  10. 10. You gotta be the reason for global warming

  11. 11. Babe you cant go anywhere actually cause i gotta 10-4 you to me.

  12. 12. You have beautiful eyes. Oh, wait, those are your wings. Why you gotta be so scary?

  13. 13. I gotta show Santa what I want for Christmas

  14. 14. Just gotta new hip replacement. How's about you and me take it for spin?

  15. 15. Damn baby what's a guy gotta do to get into your mixing bowl.

  16. 16. My name is Michael Bay. Wanna be in the new Transformers movie? You gotta do something for me first...

  17. 17. Hm, just wanted to say hi to everyone I'm new! :) But I just gotta say..if you are what you eat, then I'll be you by tomorrow ;)

  18. 18. You gotta hashtag to go with that tweet.

  19. 19. I always gotta go fast, gurl. But not in the bedroom.

  20. 20. Baby you gotta nice rear dividend.

  21. 21. Cause I've gotta phở queue

  22. 22. Someone’s gotta pin the artwork to the wall

  23. 23. All I gotta do is split them and make you cream. (Came up with it myself wanted opinions..)

  24. 24. Gotta go fast, but I'd slow down for you.

  25. 25. No nude texts, I gotta give straight to your face. (Truth Hurts)

  26. 26. Cause I gotta do you before April 15th.

  27. 27. Because I gotta start managing your wetlands

  28. 28. No nude texts, I gotta give straight to your face.

  29. 29. She's out of my league. Gotta have a good one

  30. 30. Gotta go now, can’t talk to you.

  31. 31. If you wanna get 100% completion, you gotta first get me to 100% completion!

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