pronounced pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. I now pronounce you dumped and single. You may now kiss my ass.

  2. 2. Bc i wanna seize you and have you collapse on an airport terminal floor and be pronounced dead at age 22

  3. 3. Name is pronounced like Lone. Trying to think of a great line but totally blanking.

  4. 4. I think he pronounced it wrong (For someone named Lucy)

  5. 5. 'Cause I think I can call you bae. ​ Explanation: In spanish, B is pronounced like "bae." ​ Not sure if this is original, just thought of it in Spanish today.

  6. 6. Because I wanna get illuminati (pronounced: Illumi-NAUGHTY) with you!

  7. 7. So here, take mine

  8. 8. So maybe you should take mine.

  9. 9. (Pronounced Mee-ah)

  10. 10. Pronounced like Jamie (Jay-mee)

  11. 11. Pronounced Mar-go

  12. 12. So can I just call you mine instead?

  13. 13. Anyone got one for an Estephanie? Pronounced Steph or Stephanie most of the time.

  14. 14. The idiot bartender served us one too many of these traditional Irish beers, I think it's pronounced Gih-ness. You want it?

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