didn pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Man: Hi! Didn't we go on a date once? Or was it twice? Woman: Maybe once. I never make the same mistake twice!

  2. 2. I would have bought u a pair of pants for your birthday but I didn't see the point since they are gonna come off anyway.

  3. 3. Didn't I see you on the cover of Marine Biology Monthly?

  4. 4. But they don't allow to bring your own snacks. Edit: honestly didn't expect it to blow up this much lol

  5. 5. That you were the best place to eat out

  6. 6. I would still find myself falling for you

  7. 7. I'd still end up falling for you!

  8. 8. You walked past and it didn't go off

  9. 9. Didn’t I go to your funeral?

  10. 10. I knew angels could fly, but I didn't know they could run.

  11. 11. Cause I didn't see you in my hot singles list last week

  12. 12. When I said you should go screw yourself, I didn’t mean you to take it literally.

  13. 13. No, I didn't have a stroke; I was actually winking at you.

  14. 14. You can't be a real stormtrooper...this photo of you shot me right in the heart and didn't miss!

  15. 15. I didn't know angels flew this low.

  16. 16. I didn't get enough stuffing today, think you could give me some more?

  17. 17. Einstein had great hair, didn't he? I just love your hair.

  18. 18. Hey I found this voodoo doll under your mattress, Why didn't you just ask me ? I would have said yes!

  19. 19. When I saw your beautiful face I soiled my pants - I didn't planet, honest.

  20. 20. I didn't bring you roses because it's not the season and contributes to neo-colonialism.

  21. 21. I’d ask you your name, but I’m sure God didn’t name ALL the angels.

  22. 22. Oh I didn't mean to pull you in so close. I thought I heard a rutting bull moose.

  23. 23. I didn't get you drunk, honey, I injected you with flavor.

  24. 24. Because you’re half my universe

  25. 25. Because they didn’t put you in this weeks hottest singles

  26. 26. Your husband had told me you were the most beautiful woman he'd ever met. I didn't expect the most beautiful woman I'd ever met.

  27. 27. The only thing wrong with IOS 8 is that it didn't come with your number.

  28. 28. I didn't want to kiss you goodbye, I wanted to kiss you goodnight.

  29. 29. I didn’t believe in predestination until I met you.

  30. 30. The emancipation proclamation didn't end all slavery cuz my heart is a slave 4 u.

  31. 31. I'm sorry I didn't get you chocolates for Valentine's Day, but if you want something sweet I'm right here.

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