paint pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. 1. Paint small chair on face 2. Go to party 3. Find person 4.Walk up to them 5.say "hey seems like you're looking for a place to sit how about here (point to painted on chair)

  2. 2. DaVinci painted the Mona Lisa cause he didn't have you - Day 49

  3. 3. Kiss me if I’m wrong, but Paint is the same as Photoshop, right?

  4. 4. Wanna see the new Velvet Elvis painting I just hung in my trailer?

  5. 5. Did someone forget to paint your horizon line? I can't tell where those legs end.

  6. 6. Come park in a field with me and I promise not to scuff that pretty paint job too much...

  7. 7. DaVinci painted Mona, cause he couldn't find you.

  8. 8. I wanna paint you green and spank you like a disobedient avocado.

  9. 9. If you were a painting you’d be a masterpiece

  10. 10. I want to douse you in green paint and smack you like a disobedient avocado?

  11. 11. Because I wanna splatter your insides all over the wall.

  12. 12. Because i want to nail you on the wall behind my bed

  13. 13. Cuz I wanna nail you on the wall behind your bed ;)

  14. 14. Want me to paint you naked?

  15. 15. Bc i want to stare at you 24/7

  16. 16. Cause I wanna fine stroke you

  17. 17. I am hemophilic for you, because you paint my town red!

  18. 18. How about we go paint the town dead?

  19. 19. Because I wanna nail you in my house.

  20. 20. Yeah, with your bloodHey baby wanna paint the whole town red? Yeah, with your blood

  21. 21. Ey girl are u a painting bc i wanna pin u on the wall

  22. 22. What clothes should I paint you in? - Day 212

  23. 23. Cuz im gonna paint your ass green and spank you like a disobedient avocado

  24. 24. ..Coz I'm an artist and would love to work on you. xD

  25. 25. Because I don't understand you

  26. 26. Bcause i don't put the D in raw. I use protection. Shit's wild out here.

  27. 27. I'd hold you up against the wall and nail you to it

  28. 28. Because I’d love to paint your face white.

  29. 29. Is that a paint brush in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

  30. 30. See that painting? I'd buy it for you if I had a million dollars.

  31. 31. Your pretty face sure would make a beautiful painting.

  32. 32. Paint on your shield "Smile if you want to sleep with me" and watch the wenches try to keep straight faces.

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