tank pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Because you took my breath away (stole this from r/wholesomememes)

  2. 2. Is your tank top felt? [No] Would you like it to be?

  3. 3. I see you're letting your gas tank open... Just so happens I have a gas hose.

  4. 4. Cause even though I know I shouldn't, imma tap that

  5. 5. Can I share your oxygen tank? Because you took my breath away.

  6. 6. You're welcome in my shark tank.

  7. 7. Cause I want to pump the shit out of you.

  8. 8. Girl, this isnt a beer belly, its a fuel tank for my love machine!

  9. 9. Do you know anything about sensory deprivation tanks? We can get some fun with it.

  10. 10. If you were stuck in a tank, I'd save you.

  11. 11. Can I carry your oxygen tank for you?

  12. 12. I should have brought my oxygen tank because you take my breath away.

  13. 13. If you were a fish tank, I would tap that!

  14. 14. Hey girl, are you the Bob Semple tank? Cause I wanna get in you and blast

  15. 15. Because I love the taste of women.

  16. 16. Cuz I’d ‘tap’ that.

  17. 17. This isn't a beer belly, it's a fuel tank for the love machine.

  18. 18. I bet your tank isn’t as hot as you are.

  19. 19. How aboat you come back to my place and check out my huge tank

  20. 20. Nice tanks

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