instagram pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Hey girl, if you were an Instagram photo, I would double tap you.

  2. 2. Because I wanna double tap you

  3. 3. It said "edit profile"

  4. 4. Has the mere-exposure effect kicked in yet, or do I need to spam more of your instagram pictures?

  5. 5. Cause my mom told me to follow my dreams

  6. 6. My parents said I should follow my dreams.

  7. 7. I'd like to instagram the hell outta you.

  8. 8. You're so hot, I'd Instagram you without a filter.

  9. 9. So you preferably use this on instagram you be like “hey someone impersonating your account” they be like “who?” you reply with “@nasa” “because you’re out of this world”

  10. 10. Pornhub's down, your instagram will do.

  11. 11. Cus my mom tell me to follow u'r dre4m

  12. 12. What’s your Instagram? Her: Why? Me: because my mom told me to follow my dreams

  13. 13. **So can I have your Instagram?** ***:)***

  14. 14. "If you zoom in you can see me in your pants" if they point out the fact that they aren't wearing pants (I.e. a swimsuit, or a skirt) you say "what a coincidence, I'm no wearing pants either"

  15. 15. Hey girl are you an Instagram story? Coz I keep swiping you right to see you again. Hey girl are you a post on reddit? Coz you're hot and have my upvote.

  16. 16. So are you gonna give me your instagram or what?

  17. 17. Scroll down a bit and 'you're all caught up'.

  18. 18. Cause after you stole my memes. You stole my heart.

  19. 19. Np

  20. 20. Cuz I can swipe my fingers down on you all day long.

  21. 21. Alioop w some random numbers was this p cute girls snapchat name, j got her off of Instagram DMs Reddit do ur thing <3

  22. 22. You're so pretty, I wouldn't even need to use an Instagram filter if I took your photo.

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