1. Roses are red. Violets are blue. You are my girl, And these flowers are for you. You come home in May, And I think it would be bomb To share such a special day Will you go with me to Prom?
2. Roses are red. Donuts are the bomb. Do me a favor and come with me to "PROM"
3. I'd be a Ding Dong if I didn't ask you to the dance!
4. This is a little Corny. But you'd be a Peach if you go to Homecoming with me?
5. I don't really know how to dance, but wanna give it a shot?
6. I would be SODA-lighted if you went to Sadie Hawkins Dance with me.
7. It would ROCK if you'd go to the dance with me!
8. So… I was wondering, would you like to dance with me?
9. Screw this I know how to dance. You should go to the dance with me!