tv show pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. I'll rock your plant like I did to Eartha kit

  2. 2. If being sexy was a crime, you'd be unfairly charged, put on death row, and saved at the last minute because I never gave up on you.

  3. 3. Youse da greatest. Youse da best. But you're untouchable, like Elliot Ness.

  4. 4. You look a lot like my next comare!

  5. 5. Girl, don't you know there's part of me that longs to go deep inside.

  6. 6. Person: Why are you closing the door?

  7. 7. I know we're related, but at least you're not a dead Turk or Jordan Mormont.

  8. 8. No man can regret loving as I have loved you

  9. 9. Hey lady, I feel no need to conform to the aristocratic custom of hiring a valet when I have you to undress me with your eyes.

  10. 10. The economy stinks, bees are dying, and movies are pretty much all sequels now.

  11. 11. Although it is illogical, I am afraid you have emotionally compromised me.

  12. 12. Captain, being held by you is quite enough to get me excited.

  13. 13. I'm sorry it's taken me this long to figure it out, but I promise I'm done making a fool of myself.

  14. 14. Girl, you have gotten me lost in my morning wood.

  15. 15. Everything I've ever loved is here within these walls.

  16. 16. Puck: So the chemistry doesn't get out.

  17. 17. What do you say we go out to dinner, have some chicken... maybe some sex?

  18. 18. Girl, I don't even need beer goggles to see your hotness.

  19. 19. James Bond: I tend to notice little things like that - whether a girl is a blonde or a brunette... Tiffany Case: And which do you prefer? James Bond: Well, as long as the collars and cuffs match.

  20. 20. Cause I wanna Pierce your Hunnicut. Bonus round: Hopefully you're not a Klinger.

  21. 21. I like you more than the amount of salt it took to make Eleven's sensory deprivation pool.

  22. 22. Once I bent down to pet a small dog and hey, it was a 5 pound squirrels.

  23. 23. Girl you are special, out of infinite dimension you are the only one saying no.

  24. 24. I'd trade an arm and a leg to get a piece of your philosopher's stone. (Edward Elric)

  25. 25. Can I take a ride on your warp core?

  26. 26. It's Pon Farr. If you don't come home with me tonight, I'll die. You don't want that on your conscience, do you?

  27. 27. Is your name winter? Because you'll be coming soon.

  28. 28. There are people who say Disneyland is the happiest place on earth. Apparently, none of them have ever been in your arms.

  29. 29. I'm Coming, and it feels like I am home.

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