squirrel pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Are you a squirrel? Because I can see your nuts

  2. 2. And it smells just as good!

  3. 3. Once I bent down to pet a small dog and hey, it was a 5 pound squirrels.

  4. 4. I’d put my nuts in you

  5. 5. Charmander is red, Squirrel is blue, If you were a Pokemon, I’d choose you.

  6. 6. ...so I can bust a nut in your hole

  7. 7. Because I wanna put my nuts in your mouth.

  8. 8. If I was a squirrel I'd chuck my nuts in your hole!

  9. 9. If you and I were squirrels, could I bust a nut in your hole?

  10. 10. I'd constantly chase you for your NUT... *wink*

  11. 11. Could I bust a nut in your bush?

  12. 12. If you were a tree and I was a squirrel, I'd store my nuts in you.

  13. 13. I can make a lovely squirrel casserole.

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