uber pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Because I was really hoping you'd give me a ride tonight

  2. 2. Everyone’s private driver, let's keep things private.

  3. 3. Hello, this is your Uber driver.

  4. 4. Hey girl, my name's Uber and I have reached my pick-up location.

  5. 5. Because I’m here to literally pick you up

  6. 6. Because you're looking like a snack.

  7. 7. Because you look like a snacc.

  8. 8. Hey boy, are you an Uber Pool? Cause I love when it's just us, but I'm also nervous someone else may come in and ruin this.

  9. 9. I am always prime time.

  10. 10. Because you’re 4.5 stars

  11. 11. Cause I’m here to pick you up

  12. 12. Cos I'm picking you up

  13. 13. Because I will let you ride

  14. 14. Coz you are driving me crazy!

  15. 15. But the "ber" is silent

  16. 16. You should cancel that uber Bcoz I am here to pick you up (from Battle of Pick-up lines)

  17. 17. Because you always drive everyone away

  18. 18. Want to check out my Uber DPS two handed weapon?

  19. 19. Coz I am already here to pick you up!

  20. 20. Cause I am already trying to pick you up. And maybe later you can ride me?

  21. 21. Pool and Line do not bother me; I can handle four at a time.

  22. 22. Ride me anytime, I am just a few taps away.

  23. 23. This is your Uber, I am taking you home tonight, yours or mine?

  24. 24. You are very cute, I am going to where you are going tonight, as your Uber.

  25. 25. So you want a ride? Let's take it nice and slow.

  26. 26. I am both Select and XL.

  27. 27. Do you believe in love at first sight or should I drive by again?

  28. 28. Hey baby, wanna be my Uber backseat driver?

  29. 29. Hop in and relax. I'll let you know when it's time to get off.

  30. 30. How about we earn you a cleaning fee.

  31. 31. I am the best at long hauls, as long as you want.

  32. 32. I am Uber, and I am coming for you.

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