independence day pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Baby, you're a firework.

  2. 2. "The pursuit of happiness" means it's cool to hit on you, right?

  3. 3. Are you a British Loyalist? Because you're making me rethink this whole "independence" thing.

  4. 4. Baby I can last for waaaayyyy more than 2 terms.

  5. 5. Baby I'll make you see stars and stripes

  6. 6. Because of my rights related to eminent domain, you have to compensate me for stealing my heart.

  7. 7. Can I, like, annex you?

  8. 8. Don't tell me you're one of those 4th of July apologists. Just kidding, I don't think that's a thing. Thirsty?

  9. 9. Excuse me but I'm looking for weapons of ass destruction.

  10. 10. Girl, you're so beautiful. I'd cross the Delaware River to be with you. Or even the Raritan River.

  11. 11. Give me your panties or give me death.

  12. 12. I believe all lady parts deserve equal representation

  13. 13. I don't normally like girls who wear red coats. But, for you I'll make an exception.

  14. 14. I had baked beans last night, it was not a pretty scene in my bathroom. Talk about the Boston massacre! Anyway, want to make out?

  15. 15. I have a district that has been underrepresented in Congress with you, but the 23rd Amendment now says I need to be let in.

  16. 16. I know Benjamin Franklin.

  17. 17. I will go full-term in your oval office

  18. 18. I wish I were the Speaker of the House and you the President Pro Temp of the Senate so I could be above you in the “order of succession.”

  19. 19. I'd start a revolution for your number.

  20. 20. I'd try to give you a fair trial but you have no peers.

  21. 21. I'll be your slave, it's okay, it's not involuntary.

  22. 22. I'll have you exercising your right to free speech all night long

  23. 23. I'm a man without a country. Can I be a citizen of you?

  24. 24. I'm arresting you for breaking the 8th amendment because you...are excessively fine!

  25. 25. Im tired of being Independent, can I join your party?

  26. 26. Whooo! Party like it's 1776!

  27. 27. Guy: "Thats right Girl... Benefits while maintaining Independence

  28. 28. You look independent. Wanna join my party?

  29. 29. How would you win over the heart of a patriot?

  30. 30. I hope we stay together forever. Let's knock on wood. Here, use my teeth!

  31. 31. Hey the alcohol's back! Now let's get drunk and screw.

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