sit pile pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Did you sit in a pile of sugar? Because you have a pretty sweet career objective. I like your hustle.

  2. 2. Coz damn that booty lookin’ sweet!

  3. 3. Did you sit in a pile of sugar? Cause you have a pretty sweet butt.

  4. 4. Cuz i think ur ass is sweet

  5. 5. Cuz you got a sweet ass(note: I saw this in a comic, but I wanted it to be known)

  6. 6. Cause your ass looks sweet girl ;)

  7. 7. Because you have a sweet ass

  8. 8. Because you got a pretty sweet ass ️

  9. 9. Because my dick is soft like toilet paper and I want to wipe your ass with it.

  10. 10. Cause you've got a pretty sweet ass

  11. 11. Did you sit in a pile of sugar? Coz damn that booty lookin’ sweet!

  12. 12. Cuz you got a sweet ass

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