line pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Are you a black line? Because I could stare at you all day long.

  2. 2. Line: Is your Dad a baker? Cause you’ve got a nice set of buns! Comeback: Is your Dad a plumber? Cause you’re a piece of sh*t.

  3. 3. Line: Want to sit on my lap and talk about the first thing that pops up? Comeback: Well that’ll be a short conversation.

  4. 4. Line: Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? Comeback: Not as much as this conversation.

  5. 5. Line: I'd go to the ends of the world for you! Comeback: Okay, but would you stay there?

  6. 6. Line: I think I could make you very happy Comeback: Why, are you leaving?

  7. 7. Line: Do you have a map? Cause I keep getting lost in your eyes. Comeback: No, but you’re on the right track with getting lost.

  8. 8. I don't need pick up lines.. I'm Batman.

  9. 9. My pickup lines are Turing complete.

  10. 10. Hey are you a pickup line? Because I'm about to overdo you

  11. 11. Pickup lines are overrated, let me take you out on a date

  12. 12. I somehow want to relate it to her being hot or something along those lines. Any help is appreciated

  13. 13. Because it's pumping inside of you ;) Edit: Sorry if this seems like a repost I never saw this pickup line on this sub I'm very sorry

  14. 14. Line: Let me help you carry that box, pretty lady. You: Great, thanks! Human bones are so much heavier than I expected.

  15. 15. You ladies in line to ride the Hulk? Here, take these express passes to my pants!

  16. 16. Line: I'm sorry, but do I know you from somewhere? You look so familiar. You: Yeah, I met you at the family reunion last summer.

  17. 17. I shaved my pubic hair into the shape of some mistletoe. Do I really need to finish this pickup line?

  18. 18. You make my heart race, and there is no finish line.

  19. 19. Baby I'm about to line up in your neutral zone.

  20. 20. Are you my lines? because i'll never forget you.

  21. 21. I think the vertical line test applies to you because you are my type of function.

  22. 22. Are you a ball... Because you just hit my line.

  23. 23. That’s the pickup line.

  24. 24. Call me Lionel Messi because I’m going to dribble all over your back line.

  25. 25. I've got just the straight block to give you that line.

  26. 26. Want to see my tennis tan lines?

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