fever pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. I have yellow fever and you’re the cure.

  2. 2. Do you have a fever? Because you hotter than 100 degrees.

  3. 3. Can I feel your forehead? You either have a fever or you're just really hot.

  4. 4. Al Gore says the planet has a fever but the only thing burning up around here is you.

  5. 5. Or are you always this hot

  6. 6. Do you have a fever? Cause you're looking hot to me.

  7. 7. You're hotter than my fever.

  8. 8. ...because you're hot as hell.

  9. 9. Because you got me all hot and bothered

  10. 10. I think you may have a fever...because your do damn hot!

  11. 11. Hey baby, you’ve look like you have Bravo fever, and I’m just what the doctor ordered.

  12. 12. Cause damn, you are so hot...

  13. 13. Super hot, because I have a bad fever.

  14. 14. Cause I need you to go down on me.

  15. 15. Are you hay fever? Because you made me love sick.

  16. 16. Let's play doctor, come with Bieber fever and I will give you a full examination of the body!

  17. 17. Do you have a fever? Because you look hot!

  18. 18. I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more of what you've got, baby.

  19. 19. Do I have a fever? Because you are giving me chills.

  20. 20. You give me pac-man fever. AMA AMA AMA AMA AMA!

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