russia pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Cause I wanna seize your means of reproduction.

  2. 2. Cause i think we should turn my room into OUR room. *play soviet Russia’s anthem for best effect*

  3. 3. Because I feel an uprising in my lower class

  4. 4. Cause you dope.

  5. 5. And I don't know if we have crude oil, but I'm going to drill you all night long.

  6. 6. Hey baby, you'd be the woman I'd pick to repopulate the world if we ever trigger a nuclear holocaust with Russia.

  7. 7. I'm starting to feel a huge uprising in my lower class...

  8. 8. Cause you’re Russian my heart rate!

  9. 9. Cause I know where I'm Putin my dick tonight

  10. 10. Are you in a Gulag? Because I want to make you mine

  11. 11. Because you are rushing in to this relationship

  12. 12. You hear that Russia spans across 11 time zones? That's messed up right? Points to you if you enjoyed this. Additional points if you know what the last part is from.

  13. 13. Because I have somethin' to Putin you!

  14. 14. Shall we elope to Moscow, or am I Russian into things?

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