heard pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Ever heard a black snake moan?

  2. 2. I've heard of this place in the new world that lies in your bedroom...

  3. 3. Do you wanna start a conversation?

  4. 4. Your number?

  5. 5. Have you heard about the curious case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? Well, long story short, they would both like to go on a date with you.

  6. 6. I've heard you're fast on your feet and you know your way in and out.

  7. 7. I heard you like Magic sweetheart, well bend over and watch my dick disappear.

  8. 8. Oh I didn't mean to pull you in so close. I thought I heard a rutting bull moose.

  9. 9. Yo gurl, I heard you're good at math... Cause your legs are always divided.

  10. 10. Hey, my name's Ethel, it's a really vintage name, i doubt you've ever heard it before.

  11. 11. I heard your pants have a low drop rate. I like those odds.

  12. 12. Peter heard the cock crow, but I’d never deny you three times.

  13. 13. Hey, I'm outta work and I heard ya needed some plowing.

  14. 14. Man: Haven’t I seen you someplace before? Woman: Yes, that’s why I don’t go there anymore. Man: Really? I heard it was because everyone there thinks you’re a fat skank.

  15. 15. Waldo who? I have heard that you have been trying to find me.

  16. 16. Me: Oh so you heard the glitch on it last week? Her: what glitch? Me: Well they forgot to list you as the hottest single

  17. 17. No, you don’t have to worry. Haven’t you heard? Turns out we wouldn’t have to go to confession at all!

  18. 18. I’ve already got the STD, now all I need is U.

  19. 19. Hey girl, I heard there aren't many married saints. How about we work on that together?

  20. 20. I'd like to see you dribble those balls between these legs.

  21. 21. I heard bacon goes well with bourbon, shall we?

  22. 22. Here's a "pickup lime" for you.

  23. 23. Hey, bb, I heard you got a wishbone for me.

  24. 24. I am Lex Luthor you've heard of me probably.

  25. 25. I just heard some coyotes outside. I don't want to sleep a lone wolf tonight.

  26. 26. I don't know if you've heard...but I've got a pretty mean swing.

  27. 27. I've heard that I taste like nooch--wanna confirm?

  28. 28. Because I heard you are coming.

  29. 29. So I heard Jesus called you.. Mind if I do the same?

  30. 30. I heard you’re in the companions guild. If this be true, I would adore seeing your inner beast come out for me.

  31. 31. So I heard you from across the weight room...Do you make that noise for everything?

  32. 32. I guess that’s true in my case because my back seats go down and so do I

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