yellow pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. I have yellow fever and you’re the cure.

  2. 2. Call me the Yellow Eye Demon but I would nail you to the ceiling and light a fire.

  3. 3. Sunflowers are yellow, I bet u were expecting something romantic but no this is just gardening facts.

  4. 4. Do you have yellow eyes? Because, baby, you are burning me up.

  5. 5. Cuz my favourite colour is yellow

  6. 6. I'll wear this bright yellow shirt you gave me and pretend it's black so it can bring a little light to the hole she left.

  7. 7. I don’t call yellow cards for getting too physical.

  8. 8. These peppers are, like, so yellow. Which reminds me—what are you doing Saturday?

  9. 9. I love the Chevron on your yellow shirt.

  10. 10. Bcs you’re thick as hell and I want to open you up.

  11. 11. Cuz i'd let my fingers spread you open.

  12. 12. Pink Hearts, Orange Stars, Yellow Moons, Green Clovers, Blue Diamonds, Purple Horseshoes, and Red Balloons!

  13. 13. Hop on board my yellow submarine and I'll make you twist and shout.

  14. 14. Stand on the yellow footprints and prepare for receiving

  15. 15. Because I want to take them to your emerald city

  16. 16. 7 billion people, but only you make me feel so mellow.

  17. 17. It's almost as hot as you

  18. 18. How about you and I take a ride in my yellow submarine?

  19. 19. Not red, not yellow, you're my wild card.

  20. 20. You must be the yellow-eyed demon, because you’re my obsession.

  21. 21. Your teeth are like stars. Slightly yellow and very far apart.

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