wood pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. I am good at coming from behind...

  2. 2. Jesus and I have a lot in common, for starters, we both have a giant piece of wood attached to us.

  3. 3. Is that my golf sack in your jeans since I simply completed a lengthy drive and I'd like to put my wood in it?

  4. 4. Are you from Woodbury, cause I'd like to burry my wood in you.

  5. 5. Is your name George Washington? Cuz you definitely need some wood in your mouth.

  6. 6. Are you dressed up as a tree baby? Cause you're giving me wood.

  7. 7. Can I drive my balls into your rough?

  8. 8. Hey Girl, are you a Beaver? Because you sure look like you could use some wood!

  9. 9. I'll bring the wood

  10. 10. Are you a termite? Because you ‘re going to have a mouth full of wood.

  11. 11. I may have a leg of wood but I bet you have a heart of gold.

  12. 12. Because I’m a fun-gi and, if you give me a chance, I will grow on you.

  13. 13. Are you into forestry? Cause I'm growing some wood right now.

  14. 14. I'm half black in all the right places.

  15. 15. Is that wood for your picket sign, or you just happy to see me?

  16. 16. Are you the kind of girl that lets a mine drive for the second hole?

  17. 17. Watch me use my wood and put it in the hole.

  18. 18. Because you're giving me The Hundred Acre Wood right now.

  19. 19. Will you kiss my balls for good luck?

  20. 20. Wanna see my flop shot?

  21. 21. Wanna see what a Master can do in 68 strokes?

  22. 22. Because punching you gives me wood.

  23. 23. Cause we can go as far as you like.

  24. 24. Baby, are you a mokuton user? Because you’re giving me wood.

  25. 25. Should we go for an Eagle or a Birdie tonight?

  26. 26. Hey baby, wanna see my putter?

  27. 27. I'm Tiger Woods!

  28. 28. Hello there my sponsor told me to just DO you.

  29. 29. Are you George Washington because I could see wood in your mouth.

  30. 30. I want to drag you in the woods and eat you raw.

  31. 31. Is that Norwegian wood in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

  32. 32. Hey baby, wanna help me get wood?

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