new girl pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Girl, you're like a New York City skyscraper: I wanna shoot my sticky white stuff all over you.

  2. 2. Credit goes to Garth from Wayne’s world for that one, who has hair in new places.

  3. 3. Girl are you a new business cuz im definitely gonna penetrate you.

  4. 4. Said this to the new girl at work back when we were in highschool. She had a good laugh.

  5. 5. Because I'm cumming fast and hopefully not a disappointment like before ...

  6. 6. The economy stinks, bees are dying, and movies are pretty much all sequels now.

  7. 7. The economy stinks, bees are dying, and movies are pretty much all seuels now.

  8. 8. Because there's a new issue with you everyday.

  9. 9. Because there’s a new issue with you every single day. (Disclaimer: not an original pickup line, found it elsewhere on Reddit)

  10. 10. Because there is a new issue with you every fucking day

  11. 11. Is your name Alice Hardy because I'm gonna be tearing you a new one.

  12. 12. Girl are you my new iPhone? Cause I can't stop staring at you in public.

  13. 13. Hey, let me feel your heartbeat, girl. Is that gonna be a new thing?

  14. 14. Because There is a new thing I learn from you every single day

  15. 15. Because everybody fucking uses you.

  16. 16. Hey girl are you in the new smash brothers game because I want to smash your brother.

  17. 17. Cause i would love it on my face

  18. 18. Because you may be young but you look pretty old

  19. 19. Can you tell me where I am right now? Girl: You're on 4th street. Me: I see, and how do I get into your pants from here?

  20. 20. I need to me a new girl cuz im tired of doing it with my Hans Solo.

  21. 21. Damn girl, good thing you don't have that new iPhone, because those jeans are tight.

  22. 22. Cuz, I wanna smell your insides so bad.

  23. 23. Cause I wanna lay some hard wood inside you!!

  24. 24. Because u have HUMOUNGOUS hungolomghononoloughongous

  25. 25. I was thinking of something with fartha since people in New York talk like that

  26. 26. Cause I think you should consult a doctor before you may become pregnant.

  27. 27. So I downloaded TicTacToe to play to play in a bar setting but Quickly got bored. So I’m looking for some other options in order to engage a new girl I just met.

  28. 28. My curves will make you sing!

  29. 29. Officer, can I read you your rights? You have the right to remain hugged. And you have the right to remain sweet.

  30. 30. Open your cellar doors, and let us taste your jams.

  31. 31. We'll be celebrating Bangsgiving!

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