fork pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Are you free tonight? I am down to forking.

  2. 2. So, can I be your apprentice? I want to learn all about this farm to fork movement...

  3. 3. Wanna fork?

  4. 4. I wanna put your pork on my fork.

  5. 5. All I need is a little spoon.

  6. 6. But I'm still missing a little spoon

  7. 7. Because we could fork and spoon all day

  8. 8. Because I wanna stab you with a fork while you're turned on

  9. 9. With my fork inside of them

  10. 10. Cause I'm tryna stab that meat. (Not getting any better at this)

  11. 11. Cos I want you on the end of my sausage

  12. 12. Hey girl are you a power point? Cause I wanna fork you

  13. 13. Because I wanna shove a fork inside of you

  14. 14. You can never get enough ;)

  15. 15. Let me be your outlet.

  16. 16. I could hard fork as well as soft fork however you please, all you have to do is to split for me. And we could make copies of ourselves down the path.

  17. 17. Nice blockchain, wanna fork?

  18. 18. Damn girl, you've got an ass like Abdullah, mind if if fork it?

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