2. In a room, in a building, on a street, in a town, in a state, in a country, on a continent, on a planet, in a solar system, in a galaxy, in a UNIVERSE.... and you still found a way IN to my heart :)
3. If you were a horse, I'd ride you all over town.
4. For ice cream because you deserve it!
5. Are you a raptor? cause i wanna ride you around town.
6. Hi, I’m new in town and I was wondering if you could give me directions to your heart.
7. Wait for response, then say
Looking for pretty city, looks like you know how to get there
Wait for response, then say
Maybe later I could show you how to get to pound town ;0
8. Apparently it has everything except you and me
9. I have the biggest power shaft in town.
10. Hey , my parents are out of town . This means that we have the haunted house all to ourselves.
11. I invented the wheel. Want me to take you around town?
12. I own the best roller coaster in town, wanna ride it?
13. I believe you possess the only fruit i lack in my town : the banana
14. Cause you lookin’ dummy thicc
15. I'm the best swinger in town! (Thor)
16. I'd stalk you.
17. I am hemophilic for you, because you paint my town red!
18. Yeah, with your bloodHey baby wanna paint the whole town red? Yeah, with your blood
19. Hey, my parents are out of town sweetheart. That means we have the haunted mansion all to ourselves.
20. but we all know where the best one is.
21. So it looks like I'm going to be in town for a while. I'm thinking maybe we could ... do an activity together?
22. I see Robin and I aren't the only dynamic duo in town.
23. So how's your town coming in on clash of clans?
24. The only thing their missing is me n u.
25. Would you like to accompany me? I'm going to esCape Town!
26. Jump in the back of my pickup truck and ride me back to town...
27. Pleased with myself for coming up with this one
28. Because I wanna ride until I can’t no more
29. Would you mind showing them to me sometime?
30. Cause there's a wonderful place called Pound Town I can take you to.
31. When you come to my town, it's like the Beautiful Town Ordinance enacts itself!