failed pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Cause you twist every thing I say. Credit to translation fails.

  2. 2. But I know that you being this cute doesn't add up

  3. 3. Because you will always get a D from me

  4. 4. Because a bath with you would send me straight to Heaven. This hasn’t failed me once

  5. 5. I failed No Nut November, and that's because of you

  6. 6. I failed No Nut November thinking about you

  7. 7. But you being this cute doesn't add up

  8. 8. Cause I want to bang you hard but I know I'll fail :/

  9. 9. Because I never fail at laying some pipe.

  10. 10. A day may come when the swagger of all men will fail… but it is not this day, girl.

  11. 11. Are you suicide because you’ve taken my life

  12. 12. That you might be the one to make me fail no nut november

  13. 13. If you were a null hypothesis, I would fail to reject you

  14. 14. "Does this rag smell like chloroform to you?"

  15. 15. Because you’ve never failed to cheer me up.

  16. 16. I was using Google the other day, it failed. Because it did not have your number.

  17. 17. I tried my best to not feel anything for you. Guess what? I failed.

  18. 18. Don't worry, the first couple of times it's always Abort, Retry, Fail.

  19. 19. You have as many curves as the Biology 1A final … which I still failed.

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