prettiest pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. I read lips all the time, and you have the prettiest lip I ever seem.

  2. 2. You'd have a dollar

  3. 3. You’d be a dollar richer

  4. 4. Wanna use their money to buy drinks?

  5. 5. Now that I've met you it is clear dad was wrong

  6. 6. You'd be the prettiest one in the hospital.

  7. 7. You’re the prettiest girl I’ve Avacyn.

  8. 8. You'd have 75¢

  9. 9. My bed … wanna change that?

  10. 10. ...prettiest girl I’ve ever seen in my life. How are you?

  11. 11. She: no Then you must be the prettiest in this world

  12. 12. You're by far the prettiest girl here. The 'Liberty bell' of the ball.

  13. 13. You are the prettiest girl I’ve seen in a long time. Seriously, I haven’t seen another person in months.

  14. 14. You are the prettiest girl I’ve seen in a long time. Seriously, I haven’t seen another person in months. (John Connor)

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