crazy pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Did you get your license suspended for driving so many guys crazy?

  2. 2. Does your insurance cover mental health? Because you're driving me crazy!

  3. 3. Cause I wanna drive you crazy and smash you in to the wall.

  4. 4. When I don't have you it drives me crazy

  5. 5. Hey I know we just met this is crazy but go ahead Abduct me baby.

  6. 6. Let's get crazy and leave our teeth in tonight.

  7. 7. I just met you, and this is crazy but, here's my number, so call me or else.

  8. 8. Which is crazy, because I'd only last about 15 seconds in Uranus.

  9. 9. I just met you, and this is crazy but here's my bib number...pace me maybe?

  10. 10. Are you an Elder Scroll? Because looking at you drives me crazy!

  11. 11. You must be from the Caribbean because Jamaican me crazy.

  12. 12. You don’t need a car to drive me crazy, restrictive abortion bills already do that.

  13. 13. Hey I just met you, but calling something "crazy" stigmatises the mentally ill so check ur privilege and call me maybe.

  14. 14. Girl, you must be Jamaican because Jamaican me crazy.

  15. 15. You can call me President Snow cause I'm gonna make your Peeta go crazy.

  16. 16. Are you the Croatoan virus? Because baby I’m going crazy for you.

  17. 17. Call me Azula because I’m crazy for you.

  18. 18. Take me to the looney bin.. Cause you're bacon me crazy.

  19. 19. Hey i just met you, and this is crazy, but heres my back, so whip me maybe?

  20. 20. Are you living in an asylum? Because I'm simply crazy for you.

  21. 21. Baby, you don't need Tsukuyomi to drive me crazy.

  22. 22. You must be Sailor Mercury, you make me (love-)crazy like a Hatter.

  23. 23. I just wanna make like, crazy science with you.

  24. 24. Hey, I just met you and this is crazy, but here’s my TARDIS. Time Travel maybe?

  25. 25. Girl, I hope you have a license, cause you’re driving me crazy

  26. 26. Hey, I just met you and this is crazy. But do you wanna pray with me? And hold hands maybe?

  27. 27. Hey I just met you, and this is crazy, but kissing burns 6.4 calories a minute, wanna make out maybe?

  28. 28. Hey I just met you, and this is crazy. My name's Saul Goodman, so call me maybe?

  29. 29. Are you Jamaican? ‘Cause Jamaican me crazy.

  30. 30. For driving all them guys crazy.

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