vagina pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. My dick just died, can I bury it in your vagina?

  2. 2. Do you want to be part of my new real estate acquisition project in your vagina?

  3. 3. My vagina has a voice, and it's saying helloooo, handsome.

  4. 4. Cuz you are fiiiiiine. Or sub 660 and make her supa-fiiiiine. (Sandpaper grit) Bonus: Sets you up for a sand in the vagina line if she throws it.

  5. 5. I really like your beard. Can I touch it with my vagina?

  6. 6. Can I touch it with my vagina?

  7. 7. Is your vagina bleeding or are you just happy to see me?

  8. 8. Because I would like to have sexual intercourse with you but only if you allow it. If not I would like to tell you that you look beautiful today.

  9. 9. I don't penetrate you, your vagina just has a magnetic reaction to my penis.

  10. 10. Vegans really do taste better. And by vegans, I mean my vagina.

  11. 11. ...I'd be all in.

  12. 12. I want to be near your vagina so much, I'll write laws about it.

  13. 13. I whisper in her ear: Touch my vagina Her: What? Me *whispers in her ear* : That's what you're supposed to say

  14. 14. (only works if you're a transgender)

  15. 15. Let's fuck

  16. 16. Score.

  17. 17. No? Because my weiners got some free time.

  18. 18. I'm conducting a survey on the taste of vaginas. Wanna be my first

  19. 19. I'm not a dick in real life, but I'll play one in your vagina tonight!

  20. 20. Hi, I have a vagina

  21. 21. Did you erupt from a fire witch's vagina? Because you're a total smokeshow.

  22. 22. My vagina is a horcrux, will you destroy it?

  23. 23. Is my vagina crying or are you just sexy?

  24. 24. Is it wet in here, or is it just my vagina?

  25. 25. Hey good lookin', whatcha got cookin'? Nuthin could be finer than the taste of your vagina!

  26. 26. How about later tonight, you let me slip into something a little more comfortable... Like your vagina.

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