medieval pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. You make me so hot, I think I need a course of leeches.

  2. 2. You don’t know where a lone Knight could cover his sword, isn’t it?

  3. 3. Your so beautiful, you have to worth more then three cows...

  4. 4. Dang! Your fortress certainly has plenty of buttresses.

  5. 5. Yes, I’m a magician. Watch me disappear clothing!

  6. 6. Oh fair maiden with lips of fire, blesseth thee with thy bosoms.

  7. 7. Wanna see my sword?

  8. 8. Let's put a rock on your finger.

  9. 9. How would you like to sire a bastard? You can tell your friends about it well into your hag years.

  10. 10. Care for a little game of Inquisitrix and Jew?

  11. 11. I would gladly open my gates to your handsome son.

  12. 12. Hey Girl, I'd pay one Fattened Sow for your hand in Marriage.

  13. 13. Your Birthing Hips will ensure my bloodline will continue.

  14. 14. Your breastplate alone must've depleted five iron mines.

  15. 15. Say, does the cloak match the tabard?

  16. 16. I'd like to storm your castle!

  17. 17. I'd buy you for 10 goats and a camel.

  18. 18. I'm like the Plague. You can't avoid me!

  19. 19. No one can win over your affections, for I am the hunk with the trunk.

  20. 20. Hey girl, I feel like you and me got some alchemy...

  21. 21. Hi babe, I'm with the Spanish Inquisition.

  22. 22. Your poorly thatched hut, or mine?

  23. 23. Tis not a dagger in my purse, m'lady.

  24. 24. Are you from Medieval Times? Cause you Sir Gagsalot

  25. 25. Would you like to come and wield my two-handed sword, milady?

  26. 26. Excuse me madam, I'm looking for somewhere to sheathe my sword. Might you be of assistance?

  27. 27. Would you like me to demonstrate the speed of my fleche?

  28. 28. Milady, I bet you'd look nice in some maternity armor.

  29. 29. I never like to keep my sword sheathed. I must ever be ready for action.

  30. 30. Girl you know I'm all about that cocklebread, know what I'm sayin?

  31. 31. What a fine gown you wear, my lady. Perchance couldst I talk you out of it?

  32. 32. I would pillage the countryside for you.

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