jeff goldblum pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. You know the sort of girl who doesn't sleep with a man on a first date? Well, I'm not one of those.

  2. 2. Please? Just dinner?

  3. 3. Jeff Goldblum, I'm not dirt, I'm gravel because I'm falling for you.

  4. 4. I'd return to Isla Sorna and face the T-Rex, but only for you.

  5. 5. What’s the most intense sex thing you ever did? You ever, uh, been with two women at the same time?

  6. 6. Don’t be afraid.

  7. 7. Girl, I need to upload a virus to your alien mothership!

  8. 8. You’re the most ravishing creature that I’ve ever seen in my life.

  9. 9. I’ve come here to say one magic word to you. Cheeseburger!

  10. 10. I think you’re making a mistake. I think you really want to talk to me.

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