loud pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Are you a smoke detector? Because you're really loud and annoying.

  2. 2. Because you’re really fucking loud and annoying.

  3. 3. Happy Thirsty Thursday! I can't wait to get my hands on you... wait... did I just say that out loud?

  4. 4. I'll make you scream so loud we'll break the record.

  5. 5. So anyways, I was thinking you and I should lose our virginity to each other, what do you think?

  6. 6. Cause you're really fucking loud and annoying.

  7. 7. Cuz you’re really fucking loud and annoying 🥵

  8. 8. Because you're really fucking loud and annoying

  9. 9. Cuz u are really loud and annoying

  10. 10. Because you're really fucking loud and annoying.

  11. 11. Do you think it’s loud in here? *Yeah, it is!* Do you want to use my thighs as earmuffs?

  12. 12. Babe, moan so loud that the walls will break. (Something Big)

  13. 13. **Are you a microwave? Cause you’d be loud af when i turn you on at night**

  14. 14. Cause you're loud when I turn you on

  15. 15. Hey are you a siren? Because you’re really fucking loud and annoying.

  16. 16. Because you're really loud and freaking annoying.

  17. 17. Because you're loud, full of drugs, and a black person's worst nightmare.

  18. 18. (To be read out loud)

  19. 19. I am sorry did I roll my eyes out loud.

  20. 20. Cause you’re really loud and fucking annoying

  21. 21. Say it... out loud. Say it. You think I'm sexy.

  22. 22. Long, loud and lubricated.

  23. 23. Am I too loud, perhaps you should shush me with your lips.

  24. 24. Hey, girl, what's your name? It's so loud in here I can't hear a thing. But I sure do like your style. (Sideways)

  25. 25. Are you as loud as your chickens?

  26. 26. I'd like to put my hand over your chest and in a loud clear voice moan

  27. 27. The Stagecoach Festival is so loud in here I can't hear a thing. But I sure do like your style.

  28. 28. I'll make sure the Road to Dawn is a loud one.

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