drug pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Hey babe, wanna come over to my place and compare prescription drug plans?

  2. 2. Because I would love to do you while the cops aren't looking.

  3. 3. Cause I saw that crack and knew I had to have some..

  4. 4. Cuz I’ll pay 10$ if you show me some crack

  5. 5. Is your dad a drug dealer? Cause you sure are dope!

  6. 6. Your daddy must be a drug dealer, cuz you’re dope.

  7. 7. 'Cause you're dope

  8. 8. Because I'm addicted to what they made

  9. 9. Cause I’m definitely addicted to what they made

  10. 10. Yo father must be a drug dealer, cuz you dope!

  11. 11. Cause I’m addicted to what they made

  12. 12. Cause you DOPE.

  13. 13. Who needs drugs that will stimulate dopamine transmission when simply being with you does the trick.

  14. 14. Because you look pretty dope..

  15. 15. It's all about love and drugs, baby. Can you be my love and I'll be your drug.

  16. 16. You know what would make you feel better? Drugs.

  17. 17. If you were a drug you'd be a stimulant because you make my heart beat faster.

  18. 18. If you were a drug, I would overdose!

  19. 19. Are you a drug? Cause I marijuana take you home tonight.

  20. 20. And I can be your dealer.

  21. 21. I am the drug of your dreams, I got long duration of action.

  22. 22. Are you a pharmacist? Because I am a patient and I heard you are patient lovers.

  23. 23. I am a pharmacists, I do it without breaks and I go all day long.

  24. 24. Babe, I got quick reconstitution time.

  25. 25. Nothing had me coming back like that smile.

  26. 26. Cuz if you gave me your number, that'd be dope

  27. 27. Do you do drugs cos weed look cute together.

  28. 28. Let's spice up your love life, do you accept third parties?

  29. 29. Because of how easy it is for me to get addicted to you

  30. 30. Cause I think weed go good together.

  31. 31. What's the most drug friendly medication you can get..... 'Allo'-purinol!

  32. 32. Because if so, weed go great together

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