fallen pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. That the W key on my keyboard has fallen for me.

  2. 2. Oh no! Someone better call life alert because I’ve fallen for you and i cant get up!

  3. 3. I've fallen for you and I can't get up.

  4. 4. I've fallen for you so hard, I can't think straight.

  5. 5. I've fallen for you and I can't get up! No worries though, life alert is on its way!

  6. 6. Cause I've fallen for you

  7. 7. Hark! An angel has fallen to grounds.

  8. 8. Hey babe, you better call an ambulance. Cause I have fallen for you so hard that I think I broke my leg.

  9. 9. On The PhoneShe/He says: "Hold on"You Say: "Sorry, I can't hold on... I've already fallen for you."

  10. 10. I think I've fallen in puppy love.. oh wait, I though you were a dog. Nevermind.

  11. 11. Do I look like gravel? Because I've fallen for you.

  12. 12. Because ive fallen for you and cant get up

  13. 13. Are you a sith lord? Because I’ve Fallen for you.

  14. 14. Because i have fallen in love

  15. 15. Well atleast do you mind smelling this rag for me?

  16. 16. You better call Life Alert, 'cause I've fallen for you and I can't get up.

  17. 17. Well he clearly hasn't seen how fast I've fallen for you.

  18. 18. Have you fallen from the sky? Cuz you're dead to me (then shoot them)

  19. 19. Because you remind me of Satan.

  20. 20. Because I've fallen for you already.

  21. 21. Or I really might have fallen for you - Day 84

  22. 22. but it seems like I’ve already fallen… for you.

  23. 23. because Afghan and fallen in love!

  24. 24. I must be a snowflake, cause I’ve fallen for you!

  25. 25. Because I have fallen for you and can’t get up

  26. 26. Cuz ur a fallen angel

  27. 27. Cuz no jokeSing, aPore-ently I’ve fallen for you.

  28. 28. I would be the fallen apple to hit you.

  29. 29. You Say: "Sorry, I can't hold on... I've already fallen for you."

  30. 30. Girl, you must have fallen from heaven because there is no tracking data to indicate how you arrived at this location.

  31. 31. Are you a care package? Because you must've fallen from heaven.

  32. 32. Hey boy, you better call life alert, because I've fallen for you and can't get up.

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