Biker pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Is that your kickstand, or are you happy to see me?

  2. 2. My bike is in for a service. Can I ride you instead?

  3. 3. My bike isn’t the only thing that has a shaft

  4. 4. Wanna put on your leather and burn some rubber?

  5. 5. Hey babe, I’ll be your mechanic if you’ll be my ride.

  6. 6. You’re prettier than a brand new Harley Davidson.

  7. 7. My bike is in for a service and I was wondering if you'd service me while it was gone.

  8. 8. Pardon me, I am by all accounts experiencing difficulty with my engine. Why not bounce on, and I’ll push from behind.

  9. 9. Wanna ride my chopper?

  10. 10. Roses are red, violets are blue. Let’s ride on the back of my bike and taste my glue.

  11. 11. Hey girl, I bet you would look fabulous on my bike.

  12. 12. Hey girl, I’d love to see all your tattoos.

  13. 13. Wanna get all lubed up?

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