repost pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Cause i feel we are connected Idk if IT is a repost dont get angry

  2. 2. Because it's pumping inside of you ;) Edit: Sorry if this seems like a repost I never saw this pickup line on this sub I'm very sorry

  3. 3. Idk if this is a repost, it just hit me tbh

  4. 4. Ten years old and in the basement This is a repost in my original post I put coffee

  5. 5. Cause I think I have seen you here before.

  6. 6. Not a repost, just delete the other one because of a typo

  7. 7. Because I want to fuck you. ​ \*repost because of error

  8. 8. But you want to fuck me, right?

  9. 9. Girl do you have a name? Or can I just call you mine?

  10. 10. Are you a tumour Because you're always on my mind(don't know if this is a repost or not but I just thought of it)

  11. 11. Because I want to see your wand Idk if repost

  12. 12. Hope it’s not a repost

  13. 13. Because you're taking my breath away. (Sorry if it's a repost)

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