computer programming pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. I am a Buffered Reader. You input meaning into my life.

  2. 2. If you were a computer program with a bug, I would valgrind you all night long.

  3. 3. How'd you like to come to MySpace so I can Twitter you with my Yahoo until I Google on your Facebook?

  4. 4. How'd you like to come to MySpace so I can Twitpic your Yahoo until you tweet my Tumblr and I Google all over your Facebook!

  5. 5. I was wondering if you'd like to go back to My-Space, so I can Twitter with your Yahoo, until I Google all over your Facebook?

  6. 6. As of now, my mother doesn't have a Facebook account so, if we were to take this thing to the next level, you wouldn't have to worry about rejecting her inappropriate Family Request.

  7. 7. Are you a double? The thought of you always floats inside my head.

  8. 8. Are you a computer keyboard? Because you're my type.

  9. 9. [me != me]. [me += you].

  10. 10. Anonymity makes me even more handsome.

  11. 11. Baby you're so cute you made my page 404.

  12. 12. Are you a computer whiz… it seems you know how to turn my software to hardware.

  13. 13. Baby, there is no part of my body that is Micro or Soft

  14. 14. Are you an angel, because your texture mapping is divine!

  15. 15. A life without you, would be like a computer without an OS.

  16. 16. Can you be my private variable? I want to be the only one with access to you.

  17. 17. Could I have your I.P.?

  18. 18. Baby are you a motherboard?, Cause I'd "RAM" you all night long.

  19. 19. Baby you know this junk isn't's firewire!

  20. 20. Baby you must be Google Glasses, because you augment my reality

  21. 21. Have you been Googling me? I've got my blog all tricked out with analytics and I think I've been seeing your IP address in them.

  22. 22. Baby, if they made you in Java, you'd be the object of my desire.

  23. 23. Baby, let's configure our hard drives in master and slave position.

  24. 24. Are you my driver? Because you make my life worthwhile.

  25. 25. Baby, you make my floppy disk turn into a hard drive

  26. 26. Baby, you must be running a TCP protocol, since every time I talk to you, your body gives me an acknowledgment!

  27. 27. Baby, you overclock my processor.

  28. 28. Can you be my ActionListener? That way you notice everything that I do.

  29. 29. Can I stick my USB drive in your USB port?

  30. 30. Are you an exception? Let me catch you.

  31. 31. Before you, I was a PC without a power outlet.

  32. 32. Be the hard drive of my dreams.

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