intelligence pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. but rather the Mexican army's unlikely victory over French forces at the battle of puebla. Now lose the pants.

  2. 2. Are you a ruby? Because you are both beautiful and intelligent.

  3. 3. Because it’s unlimited.

  4. 4. I like intelligent girls like you, they always taste better.

  5. 5. Would you like to go out sometime?

  6. 6. Beautiful Intelligent Talented Cute Hilarious Are you smiling now? YOU ARE REALLY BITCH

  7. 7. Just one because I'm also intelligent ;)

  8. 8. She starts off by saying "a man once told me..."

  9. 9. 2. Be called smart somewhere in the talk 3. Say “If you wanna make this boy stupid lend me your 🧠 “ 4. Get head.

  10. 10. Are you S.H.I.T.? Sexy Hot Intelligent Tempting

  11. 11. Intelligent too, Ooh, You my sweetheart. I've always liked my women book and street smart. (Fancy)

  12. 12. Beautiful Intelligent Talented Cute Hilarious Are you smiling now? YOU ARE REALLY BITCH

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