whale pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Come to my room, we'll bang ok?

  2. 2. Do you like whales? Cause we can go hump back at my place.

  3. 3. Do you like whales? Because we could go hump back at my place.

  4. 4. Because we can hump back at my place

  5. 5. Cause I think we should hump back at my place

  6. 6. Do you like whales? Because we can go hump back at my place.

  7. 7. Cause we can go humpback at my place.

  8. 8. Cause I was thinking we could Humpback at my place

  9. 9. Wanna humpback at my place?

  10. 10. Cuz we can humpback at my place

  11. 11. Excuse me, but do you like whales? (yeah, why) Because I was thinking that we could "humpback" at my place.

  12. 12. Excuse me, but do you like whales? (yeah, why) Cause I was thinking that we could "humpback" at my place.

  13. 13. I'm a sperm whale. Seriously, what more do I need to say?

  14. 14. Let's spend the next 3 days in bed. I'll be Jonah and you be the whale.

  15. 15. They don't cal me a sperm-whale for nothing.

  16. 16. Cause you are rare, interesting and THICC.

  17. 17. If I said you had the body of an all-natural, organic-living, animal-loving, environment-nurturing, whale-saving sex machine, would you hold it against me? Please?

  18. 18. Are you a whale? Cause we can humpback at my place!

  19. 19. Whales eat krill, Would you be keen for some Netflix and chill?

  20. 20. Cause your whaley pretty

  21. 21. Whale be mine?

  22. 22. What happens when you drop a whale on thin ice? her: what? you: it breaks the ice. hi, i'm (your name).

  23. 23. Girl, you're my great white whale, and you make my dick be mo'.

  24. 24. If I had a Bitcoin for every time you came across my mind, I'd be a Whale.

  25. 25. Are you a whale? Because I like your blow hole.

  26. 26. I speak whale.

  27. 27. I whale shower you with love.

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