tree pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Inside you, I shall plant a tree. Metaphorically speaking, of course.

  2. 2. If you can plant a tree, will you dig me?

  3. 3. Are you dressed up as a tree baby? Cause you're giving me wood.

  4. 4. Let's head to the park so I can plant my tree.

  5. 5. Can I plant my tree in your rain forest?

  6. 6. Hey baby, is you a tree? Cause I wanna hug you.

  7. 7. Are you a sugar maple tree? Because I would totally tap that.

  8. 8. But the best way to in love with me.

  9. 9. Pretty proud of this one.

  10. 10. The fruit of the tree of life called. It wants its sweetness back.

  11. 11. You’re so hot you must've started all of this darn global warming

  12. 12. Our love will grow just like The Great Deku Tree.

  13. 13. You must be made of bonemeal, because you make my tree grow.

  14. 14. Hey gurl, wanna plant a tree with me? We can carve our initials into it on our 50th anniversary.

  15. 15. Do you know what a Timberwolf is? No. Thats a guy that chases a girl up a tree and kisses her in between the limbs.

  16. 16. If we were trees. We'd be of the same species.

  17. 17. Cuz i’d love to piss on u.

  18. 18. The top of my Christmas tree is missing a angel like you.

  19. 19. Mi wudda climb a makka tree naked fi yuh

  20. 20. Let's save the trees...I me please...but you know we can also save the trees.

  21. 21. Cause I’m here to save that pussy.

  22. 22. The tree isn't the only thing that's going to have an angel sitting on top of it tonight.

  23. 23. Because punching you gives me wood.

  24. 24. The tree of life is called , wants its sweetness behind.

  25. 25. I’d put my nuts in you

  26. 26. Are you a sugar maple tree? Cause I would totally tap that!

  27. 27. Because I want to chop you up with an axe and throw you inside of a fireplace

  28. 28. Because I would tap that

  29. 29. Damn girl you must be a maple tree because I'd tap that.

  30. 30. I don't want to be under the cork tree. I want to be under YOU.

  31. 31. You won't be the first cherry tree I've chopped.

  32. 32. Cuz I’d tap that

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