comment pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Because you should remove the comments spamming "Nice". Filling up the comments of every post. They make it harder to find actually good/funny comments.

  2. 2. There are 206 bones in a persons body would you like to add one more.

  3. 3. All i can see is nice

  4. 4. You get 1 comment which is always shite which no one will ever use and theres a megathread for names

  5. 5. Cause you’re looking nice

  6. 6. i'll give you a white christmas.

  7. 7. "Wanna go back to my place and play paramedic?" -"Haha whats that?" "It's like doctor, except I cut your clothes off faster." Then use your discretion about DCAP/BTLS comments.

  8. 8. It was not too long that the comments were also interesting to read but nowerdays all I can see is Nice, Mods can you please block the Nice Comments from bulk

  9. 9. The more you play with me the harder I get

  10. 10. Fuck me if I'm wrong but Most of the comments on here aren't just a bunch of fucking "Nice", right?

  11. 11. This app just shut down my laptop its really sad so if you can surprise me with something funny in the comments I will literally love you a lot

  12. 12. Because I trash every post on r/pickuplines with empty _nice_ comments.

  13. 13. Cause I wanna make your face burn for the father land. (I commented the punchline on another post titled “ are you a book” by u/wawadbear12)

  14. 14. come play with mine. free to finger too

  15. 15. you should attach a rope to it and swing.

  16. 16. To My Heart!

  17. 17. Because You Look Out Of This World!

  18. 18. but “tuna sub” is backwards

  19. 19. but maybe I could try yours

  20. 20. but i need your cream to fill it up

  21. 21. I’ll be Logan Paul, I think you know your part.

  22. 22. Let’s have sex inside my car

  23. 23. Kinkey but replace the 'kin' with 'mon'

  24. 24. I'm not so good with the advice... Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?

  25. 25. Make a passing comment about your meeting being the result of Divine intervention or Divine appointment.

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