forgot pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. I forgot what your headboard looks like. Can I stay over again soon?

  2. 2. Cuz i forgot you existed & i only like you for your eggs

  3. 3. I don’t want snow to be the only thing I’m plowing all month long Edit: forgot the word “want”

  4. 4. Cos you're one of the elements that make up my life.

  5. 5. Excuse me. I forgot to bring my rosary. May I use your fingers?

  6. 6. You're like this Book I forgot to return because you've got Fine written all over you.

  7. 7. They forgot to list you in their hottest singles

  8. 8. Looks like this little marine is going in slick.

  9. 9. I forgot my rosary, can I use your hand?

  10. 10. Do you think you could remind me?

  11. 11. Me: Oh so you heard the glitch on it last week? Her: what glitch? Me: Well they forgot to list you as the hottest single

  12. 12. Did you know there are only 20 letters in the alphabet? "no there is 26" "oh I forgot U R A Q T" "That's still only 25?!?" "dont worry you'll get the D later"

  13. 13. I forgot it was winter and went out uncovered.

  14. 14. But I got the chance to talk to you, so it came true anyway

  15. 15. And when I hit "password hint" it keeps telling me "*her name* phone number", think you can help me out?

  16. 16. You: spell me. Her: me. You: you forgot the d. Her: theres no d in me. You: not yet.

  17. 17. Can I just call you mine.

  18. 18. Will you wrap around me instead ?

  19. 19. I-i-i forgot my phone, I'll give it back to you as soon as I write your number.

  20. 20. Until then, let me be the wind under your wings

  21. 21. - You took my heart, now pay me!

  22. 22. \- M-e \- You forgot the d. \- There is no d in me. \-Soon there will be.

  23. 23. Oh look I forgot the D in you.

  24. 24. Them: No Oh, yeah, I forgot U R A Q T Them: That's 25 there's 26 Oh, you'll get the D later

  25. 25. But I’ll remember to cal-cu-lator

  26. 26. Her: Oh hey Me: You make me think about all 21 letters in the alphabet Her: but there are 26 letters in the alphabet Me : Oh I’m sorry , i forgot U R A Q T

  27. 27. Cause I forgot about you.

  28. 28. *wait a few seconds* And I probably should be. Sorry I forgot to finish the pickup line just like I forgot to finish my homework, but if we hang out tonight I won’t forget to finish you.

  29. 29. It's so cold here and I forgot my mufflers so can I use your thighs instead ?

  30. 30. Oops, I forgot the D but you can get that later.

  31. 31. Oh, I forgot u r a q t. I'll give you the d later.

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