panties pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Is your name Lionel? Because your made my panties Messi.

  2. 2. Message from 672-739-5463 ( NSA-SEX-LINE ) You left your car keys on the kitchen counter and your panties are on backwards.

  3. 3. You are? I think it’s just running about 30 minutes fast.

  4. 4. I'll treat your panties like Jeb Bush and make them drop very fast

  5. 5. What's my V-drop? Your panties.

  6. 6. Maybe it’s 5 minutes fast...

  7. 7. Give me your panties or give me death.

  8. 8. Cas I wanna get into Ja-panties

  9. 9. I'd crawl through a mile of broken glass and lemon juice just to sniff the tire of the truck that delivered the washing machine that launderes your panties!

  10. 10. Cause I wanna get India panties

  11. 11. Cuz then I’d always get your panties wet

  12. 12. I'm not wearing any socks. And I have the panties to match.

  13. 13. I wanna like the inside.

  14. 14. Do your panties smell like fish because I like sushi.

  15. 15. Hey boy, you like girls in granny panties?

  16. 16. Are you from Tokyo? (Yeah Why?) Because I want to get in Japanies (your panties)

  17. 17. Are you Japanese? Because I want to get into ja panties.

  18. 18. I can’t wait for them to drop Happy holidays fam

  19. 19. Cause I love Ja-panties

  20. 20. Me: As in, Peel off my panties?

  21. 21. Strike yer panties and prepare to be boarded, lassie!

  22. 22. Avast, me pretty! Strike your panties and prepare to be boarded. 

  23. 23. Do you wash your panties with Windex? Because I can really see myself in them.

  24. 24. My magical watch says you're not wearing any panties...oh, you are? Damn, it must be an hour fast...

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