food pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Your daddy must have been a vegan baker, because you're a croissant.

  2. 2. Was your daddy a baker? Because you look like a cake, and I'd like to put frosting on your butt, and eat you.

  3. 3. Are you dating anyone? Because I want you to be my BAE-gle.

  4. 4. If so, you definitely are what you eat

  5. 5. No hunny, looking at you is dessert enough for me.

  6. 6. If you were a dessert, I would drizzle a balsamic reduction all over you.

  7. 7. I dropped mine when you walked by

  8. 8. Can you shake your hips like you shake your drinks?

  9. 9. Here you can eat my

  10. 10. You are the hollandaise to my poached egg.

  11. 11. Are you the new item on the McDonald's menu? The McNificent?

  12. 12. Seeing you is like getting 11 McNuggets in my 10 piece meal.

  13. 13. You're my Happy Meal & I'm your Big Mac.

  14. 14. Dammnn baby! Your body must be from McDonalds? Cause “I’m Loving It”!

  15. 15. Oh baby you make me go supersize.

  16. 16. Hey lady I'm just like like a pizza. I'll fill you up tonight and still be there in the morning when you're ready for more.

  17. 17. But I’ll spoil you, honey

  18. 18. You need me inside you

  19. 19. Even if it's bad, it's still pretty good.

  20. 20. You're the smirn off in my vodka.

  21. 21. You put the Viognier in my Shiraz.

  22. 22. Is that a carrot in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

  23. 23. Call me if you want someone to share that beer with.

  24. 24. If you were my sauce pan, I'd never deglaze you.

  25. 25. I like you a latte, mocha it a date?

  26. 26. What do you want on your tombstone?

  27. 27. Is your name Fajita? Because you’re sizzling.

  28. 28. Girl, I know you want this TIP.

  29. 29. If u were a vegetable you'd be a cutecumber.

  30. 30. I wanna be like waffles with you and wake up on top of each other.

  31. 31. Boy are you a hot pan? Cause you are sizzling hot.

  32. 32. I know we've just met, but will you marinade me?

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