marry pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. My dad's here now, you can marry me.

  2. 2. When im eighty, I'll look back on three big things in my life: getting married, having kids and the first time I laid eyes on you.

  3. 3. If you don’t marry me you won’t be able to attain godhood or salvation in the highest degree of celestial kingdom for that matter.

  4. 4. I promised my amma I'd call her when I found the woman am going to marry.

  5. 5. Can I borrow a rupee? I promised my amma I'd call her when I found the woman am goning to marry.

  6. 6. When I'm older, I'll look back at all of my crowning memories, and I'll think of the day my children were born, the day I got married, and the day that I met you.

  7. 7. Now that I've met you it is clear dad was wrong

  8. 8. Hey, is it just me dear, or are we destined to be arranged married?

  9. 9. Hey girl, I heard there aren't many married saints. How about we work on that together?

  10. 10. A ring…Will you marry me?

  11. 11. I won't mess with our leading until we are married.

  12. 12. Weren’t we married in a previous life?

  13. 13. Let's get married and live a life like monosaccharides-sweet and simple.

  14. 14. I'm married so you know I won't be all clingy and shit!

  15. 15. Because the wedding can't go on without the bride

  16. 16. I think God just answered my discernment about my vocation to a married life.

  17. 17. Will you marry me?

  18. 18. I don't wanna marry you, I just want you for the night...

  19. 19. marry who? marry me.

  20. 20. P retty H uge D esire to marry you

  21. 21. Said this to a girl once, now she's married to me instead and we have 2 amazing girls.

  22. 22. I think God is calling me to the vocation of married life, will you help me out?

  23. 23. You're not married?

  24. 24. I think I'm called to the married life, could I call you sometime?

  25. 25. Say your not old enough to get married? Pull on my master sword and then we will.

  26. 26. I wish to marry you for love. For that reason I have been disowned and exiled.

  27. 27. Because if I was your dad, I'd still be bathing you

  28. 28. Let's get married so I don't have to lower my gaze every time you walk in the room.

  29. 29. Hey there. I’m Mr. Right… someone said you were looking for me I want to get married once. No divorce and cheating, just us two till the end.

  30. 30. Cuz a wedding can't go on without a bride

  31. 31. Which means I'm marrying the first 14 year old here.

  32. 32. I love you. Don't believe me? Ask the dishes when I marry you.

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